Sorry, Registration for the BMWCA Nationals are now closed.
We start at 5.30PM Friday afternoon at Canberra BMW for welcoming speeches, catch-up with old/new friends, food/drinks compliments of Patrick and his team at Canberra BMW. Registration includes a bag with a few goodies unique to these Nationals.
Saturday starts with a run out to Wee Jasper then back to Concours, Show N Shine held at ANU University and Kambri Precinct. We will ensure those that wish to compete in the Show N Shine will be back in time to prepare their cars for the event. Those not competing will continue on a longer run but finishing at Concurs, Show N Shine venue by 12.00.
We have arranged discounts vouchers with local Waves Car Wash (In registration bags) for those preparing their cars prior to the Show N Shine or just wish to ensure those bugs on the drive to Canberra are removed.
Concurs, Show N Shine entry includes a Nationals Corflute drip tray with the image above. There are categories for all cars including "X" and the "Peoples Choice and, Concours" winners cars will be present inside the National Museum in the middle of Gala Dinner tables.
Saturday afternoon will include a drive out to the Cotter/Tharwa/Honeysuckle Creek. Saturday night is a free night so that everyone can catch up with interstate friends that have not been seen due to COVID restrictions.
Canberra "enlightenment" is back on this year so enjoy the major institution buildings cover in an array of colours and images.
Sunday starts off with a re run out to Wee Jasper then back to Sutton TISC Motorsport venue. Activities include Skidpan, Motorkhana, Dyno, and Boot sale (bring your excess parts). Lunch will be catered on site and the winners of the 2 x Amphicar raffles winners will depart for a drive on and around Lake Burley Griffin and coffees at Kingston foreshore.
Sunday nights Gala Dinner will be held in the foyer of the National Museum and will include guest speaker, presentation of trophy winners for events various awards including club attendance and, raffles items which all funds will go to our nominated charity Marymead.
Nationals shirts have arrived and, available for collection when registering on Friday and Saturday or on Sunday at the TISC MotorSport venue. Shirts can be ordered on line or purchased at registration on on Sunday at the Motorsports venue.
If you choose not to participate in any events, we require various helpers, drive leaders, general assistance. If you can spare some time or require further assistance please contact Mark Wilson on 0432 443 072 or email: